Here we go...

I have been going back and forth on starting a blog for a long time. Once I realized how valuable it really is and how great it will be to look back on for years to come, I decided to go for it! so... WELCOME! Thanks for stopping by. I will do my best to keep things updated. I am sure you will be seeing tons of pictures up here. For those of you who do not know I have been married to the love of my life for 5 years now, James Katina. He will probably jump on here from time to time to update as well. We have 4 kiddos- 2 boys- Jackson (12), Dylan (10) and 2 girls Haylee (3) and Rylie (7 months). We live down south in Franklin, TN - just outside of Nashville. Never dreamed I'd be a southern girl but here I am. It only took about 10 years to adjust but now I'm lovin' it!  :) It sure is nice to live in a city where getting honked at on the road  usually means someone is saying hi or letting you in- not yelling at you and cutting you off. :)

I am still figuring this thing out and I promise it will get more interesting than this one! lol If you would like to stay updated with this blog, please follow along! It' really simple- Here's how....

Scroll down a little bit and look on the right hand side, under followers and click on "Follow".

I guess I will just end this one by saying that ...

I am so grateful for all of you. I am so blessed to have amazing family and friends by my side. You all mean so much to James and me!

Here are some pics that we took recently of our whole family. We managed to get all of them in just before the rain fell! Nothing like new pics.... :)

Photos taken by Kelli Trontell 

Thanks for stopping by! Here you will find a *glimpse* into life as I know it - as a woman, wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, musician & photographer..... Playing all of these roles in life can get crazy, but loving God and my family will always be #1 in my life.

Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
Proverbs 31:30