Top 5 BEST INVENTIONS for a new mom...

Top 5 BEST INVENTIONS for a new mom...

If you are a mom of little ones or know someone who is...this one is for you. After having my second daughter Rylie, who is now almost 9 months old, I have come to realize that there are a certain few items that I just cannot imagine life without anymore. I know some of you may already know about some of these gifts from heaven, but for those that don't, check them out! They are meant to simplify life as a mom and make things just a little bit.....easier.  :)

Here they are, in no particular order...

1) Good Night Lite- This has revolutionized our mornings. When my older daughter Haylee was two, we switched her to a "big girl bed". She was so happy to have her own bed. However, I quickly realized that my mornings were getting earlier and earlier with Haylee's newly discovered independence. Hearing the little feet coming down the stairs at 6am was just NOT a good sound. Especially because we had just had Rylie and she was sleeping in our room at that time. Haylee would come in, ready to party and assumed the rest of the world was going to join her! lol I would send her back up to bed and every 10 minutes we would hear..."Moooomm....Can I get up now?" We had many early mornings like this along with a lot of power struggles to get her back in her bed until James and I could at LEAST .....keep our eyes open.

Then came along the GOOD NITE LITE! A friend of mine suggested I try this and after checking out the website, I figured hey...why not? I can tell you now it's one of, if not THE BEST thing we ever got! It is a night light/timer with a moon and sun on it that lights up either yellow or blue, according to the time you set it to switch. YOU determine when it's morning, not the child. Haylee is not allowed to come out of her room until "her sun is yellow". She waits patiently for the most part and when it finally does turn to a sun at 7:30, she runs down saying "My sun is yellow mommy!". She gets so excited about it and I believe it has really helped her sleeping pattern (and ours too!).

2) Kiddopotamus Tinydiner Placemat- LOVE this for little eaters. I take this everywhere with me now. When we go out to eat, I know that Rylie will always have a safe and CLEAN place to eat her food. It has suction cups that stick to the table and is made from a rubber material, so the food does not roll off easily. Also it has a little pocket at the end of it to catch most of those little pieces that manage to slip through the little fingers. Better there than in their lap or all over the floor. We still do manage to get a bunch on the floor, but babies will be babies,right? lol

It rolls up to the size of a small umbrella so it fits great in my diaper bag. Price of placemate between $10-$15. Germ free place for your little one to eat when you are out.... priceless

3) Snack Trap- Whoever invented this is just brilliant. It's so simple too! When your baby gets old enough to start feeding themselves, we all know how that gets....MESSY! The SnakTrap is a little bowl with handles for your child to hold. It has a rubber lid with an opening in the middle for your little tot to get his or her favorite snack out, piece by piece. When it's turned upside down (or thrown) the snack stays put. Great for car trips and it saves a good amount of clean up time!

4) Fresh-food-feeder-  This is great for little ones before they have their chompers in :) With this you are able to give them fresh food (I like giving Rylie fruit in it) and they are able to bite down on the netting to get the juices out.  When she is teething I put an ice cube in it and she LOVES that!

5) Swaddleme- This item is wonderful for the first few weeks of life with a newborn. I believe this is what helped my girls sleep through the night and it makes swaddling in the middle of the night a piece of cake. After sliding the baby into the little pocket, the top piece wraps around and seals with a velcro strip to hold the swaddle blanket in place. Of course as the baby gets older, they also get stronger and eventually they are able to kick those little legs until they break free from the blanket. However, for those first few weeks, this item was wonderful to have!

So those are a few of my favs. I'm sure I could keep the list going and going, but how about you?? What are YOUR favorite "MUST HAVE" baby items? Leave a comment and share!


Heidi November 9, 2009 at 4:07 PM  

We NEED the goodnight lite! Thank you so much for bringing this to my attention. Luci June is our early riser at 6:30, and that's just too early for around here.

Gisela November 12, 2009 at 12:28 PM  

We love our Tiny Diner placemat! Definitely great to have. I used the SwaddleMe blankets...but I much prefer the Miracle Blanket. It wraps them up so much more securely...once they outgrow that I moved to the size large SwaddleMe blanket. (Erik was swaddled until 6 months...he loved sleeping that way!)

Another "must-have" for me is a baby carrier. I can't pick just one though... I collect them. Although the Beco Butterfly II is probably my fave. When they are itty bitty I love my Sleepy Wrap. It makes getting things done a lot easier when you can just strap the baby to you and have two free hands.

Jackie November 12, 2009 at 1:34 PM  

I'm so glad the Good Nite Light worked out for you guys!

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Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
Proverbs 31:30